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Scan Secret Garden images and watch them come to life!
Augmented Realty
Look for The Secret Garden logo at local Restaurants, Shops, Events and more!
When you find the Secret Garden logo scan the image near it to reveal the secrets like discounts, deals, BOGO's, stories, scavenger hunts and so much more!
Scan The Moving Forward Magazine to view the Garden Party Video!
Scan 4 Loco Tacos Sidewalk sign to view their menu!
Scan The Whole Enchilada Sidewalk sign for a chance to win a $50 Gift Card!
AR Scavenger Hunt Card Game!
These cards will be activated September 15th 2019
A Live-Action Augmented Realty Scavenger Hunt Card Game that takes place in Downtown Winter Garden!
This wonderful adventure takes you on a path to help the king find the Princess. Scan the cards to bring the story to life!
Scan the "How to Play" card to learn the best way to get started.
The Secret Garden Cards double as a real deck of cards!!
Are you a member of the Facebook Group "Winter Garden Rocks!"?
When you scan the "Winter Garden Rocks!" card you might see your painted rock featured!
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